Knihy na téma "Flat Earth" (PDF e-book)


foto: Shaun Haxton @flickr

David Wardlaw Scott “Terra Firma” (1902)

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Ukázka: “Gravitace je velké slovo a velké jsou problémy, které způsobilo moderním astronomům tím, že se nechová dle zákonů pro ni určených jejím delfským zvěstovatelem Sir Isaacem Newtonem. Byla poprvé představena veřejnosti jako pouhá hypotéza, ale postupně se z ní stal zákon, i když se nechoval dle určení jemu stanoveného Newtonem. Malý Měsíc odmítal obíhat kolem Slunce a žulová hora nepřitahovala ani třísku dřeva. Gravitace odmítala vysvětlit pohyb Měsíce a Newton nikdy nebyl schopen sestrojit ani žádné rovnice, které by souhlasily. Jeho následovník Clairant tento problém po mnohém úsilí také vzdal.” 
[převzato z textu "Nebe a země" David Starosta 2016,]

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Samuel "Parallax" Rowbotham "Earth not a globe" (1965)

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Thomas "Rectangle" Winship Rectangle
"Zetetic Cosmogony; or, Conclusive Evidence That the World Is Not A Rotating-Revolving-Globe, but a Stationary Plane Circle" (1899)

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William "Common Sense" Carpenter
"One Hundred Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe"


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John Edward Quinlan
"The Earth a Plane"

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Alexander Gleason
"Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?"

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Orlando Ferguson
"The Latest Discoveries in Astronomy: The Globe Theory of the Earth Refuted"

Orlando Ferguson
"The Square World: Why People are Being Deceived on Astronomy and Religion, Hot Springs"

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Gabrielle Henriet
"The Solid Vault of Heaven, Heaven and Earth"

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Richard Jameson Morgan
"The Iron Republic"

The Iron Republic is a flat-earth political fiction novella by Richard Jameson Morgan, first published as a serial in Florida Magazine from February 1902 (4.2) through November 1902 (5.5). The story is a narrative recounting of the Antarctic expedition of the Wanderer, a ship owned by the narrator, J. Edward "Ned" Barrington, disgraced American lawyer and politician, which is commanded by one Captain Brent with a crew of eight Americans, who discover a passage through the polar ice and thence a new civilisation beyond the south polar regions, this being the titular Iron Republic, a utopian colony established by a group of European settlers who had sought the New World but accidentally passed through Antarctica in 1698 that has since progressed into communism with some flourishes of high technology.

zdroj: Kook Science Research Hatch

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Gerrard Hickson
"Kings dethroned"

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Carl Schoeppfer, John Watts De Peyster, Frank Allaben
"The Earth Stands Fast"

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Bertrand Russell
"Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays"

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Herbert Butterfield
"The Whig Interpretation of History"

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Herbert Butterfield
"Origins of Modern Science"

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Edward W. Kolb
"Blind Watchers of the Sky"