Ztracená historie ploché Země - "What on Earth Happened" (Ewaranon)


Ewaranonův třinácti dílný (díly 7 a 9 chybí) dokument "What on Earth Happened" sumarizuje hlavní témata konspirací proti Bohu, křesťanství a manipulace společnosti elitami vycházející částečně z dvou knih: John Robison (1739-1805) "Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies" z r. 1797 (viz níže anglická anotace) a německého filosofa a profesora práv Adama Weishaupta (1748-1830), který v r. 1776 vydal knihu "Illuminati". Dalšími vlivy jsou Eric Dubay, ODD TV (Rokfin), kteří přinášejí téma satanismu, Psyops (Psychological operations) nebo NASA. Jestliže se téma "Flat Earth" probudilo v roce 2014 k druhému životu díky Dubayově knize "The Flat-Earth Conspiracy", Ewaranon se svým dokumentem patří k hlavním popularizátorům alternativní historie. Mezi další významné autory patří Hibbeler Productions nebo Good Lion Films (Nick Alvear) se svým dokumentem "Pervywood".

John Robison "Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies" (1797)

First edition. Original gray paper covered boards, white paper spine. Excessively rare first edition of of the first and most elaborate treatise aimed at exposing the excesses and scandals of Free Masons, especially laying claim to the workings of the Illuminati, the most feared of all secret societies in the 18th Century. John Robison (1739-1805) was a noted Scottish physicist and mathematician and professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh who in his later years became enamored with promulgating various worldwide conspiracy theories. This work, his chief 'scholarly' output was purported to stem from valid research though chiefly from the testimonies of one man, a 'secret monk' whose name was Alexander Horn. The work was extremely popular and went through many editions including a stated Second Edition in the same year, Third and Fourth Editions in 1798, etc. It was translated into French, German and other editions appeared through 1803. Robison personally contacted Benjamin Franklin in America to challenge him with the book, and Franklin gave a legnthy written response, in short saying that while Doctrines of the Illuminati had no doubt spread in the United States, that he did not believe the Lodges of the Free Masons "in THIS country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the Illuminati.".

(text AbeBooks)